Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Philippe Moireau

  • Bachelor degree: “MA103 - Introduction aux EDP et à leur approximation numérique”, 14h, M1, ENSTA ParisTech, France

  • Master: “MA201 - La méthode des éléments finis”, 14h, M2, ENSTA ParisTech, France

Annabelle Collin

  • Bachelor degre: "Sequences, series, integration" , UPMC, spring 2012

  • Bachelor degree: "Linear algebra", UPMC, fall 2012


PhD & HdR :

  • Master internship: Alexandre Routier, “Image-based observation operators for data assimilation in cardio-mechanics using currents”, INSA Rouen, june-october 2012, Advisors: A. Imperiale and P. Moireau

  • Master internship: Silvia Rosellini, “Towards a finite element mesh of a complete human heart”, Pisa University, june-october 2012, Advisor: A. Collin

  • PhD in progress: Annabelle Collin, “Dimensional reduction and electro-mechanical coupling for the modeling of electrophysiology and muscle contraction”, UPMC, started September 2011, advisors D. Chapelle and J.-F. Gerbeau

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Imperiale, “Image-based observation operators for data assimilation in cardio-mechanics”, UPMC, started October 2010, advisors D. Chapelle and P. Moireau

  • PhD defended in May: Daniele Trimarchi, “Analysis of downwind sail structures using non-linear shells finite elements – Wrinkle development and fluid interaction effects”, University of Southampton, co-supervision D. Chapelle


Dominique Chapelle

  • Thesis committee chairman: R. Sheshka, Ecole Polytechnique, 21 Sept.

  • Thesis committee: D. Lopez, Ecole Polytechnique, 15 Oct.

  • Thesis committee: C. Bertoglio, UPMC, 23 Nov.